Oh Baby Vegas Has Never Been More Back


God dammit do I love you, Vegas. You could not be more back if you tried. People crowding the tables, dancers with masks on, guys lighting up behind their masks- it's Vegas baby!



If there's gambling and free booze, you won't keep people away, that's a fact you can take to the bank 24x7. Coronavirus can just find another town because ain't nobody in Vegas is worried. Wouldn't be shocked if the dayclubs and pool parties are open next weekend. Chainsmokers gonna get the bat signal any second now. Vegas is back and it's never been better!

(Please no 2nd wave, please no 2nd wave, please no 2nd wave, please no 2nd wave, please no 2nd wave, please no 2nd wave, please no 2nd wave, please no 2nd wave, please no 2nd wave, please no 2nd wave, please no 2nd wave, please no 2nd wave)

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